30 months: more commonly known as 2 1/2!

August 30, 2007 at 2:05 pm (Cute kids)

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So Nettie will be 2 1/2 on Sunday and I’ve realized that she’s kinda hard to keep up with. The best description came from our Relief Society President when she said that Lanette was just “bustin’ with personality”…and that is a comment based solely on how she acts during sacrament meeting! So she’s a little young for me to want to farm her out to a preschool, but I’m starting to think that she needs a little more structured time. Got any tips or know of any good websites that are specifically aimed at toddlers? I’m always looking for a way to keep her occupied without plopping her in front of the TV (which really doesn’t work anyway ’cause after a few minutes she wants to do something while she’s watching!)  Have any of you done mini-preschools in your homes? What are some good focuses…letters? Numbers? Shapes?  I’m curious. This is my first step into the life of a 2 1/2 year old!

BTW, can’t wait for football!! Nettie keeps asking if we are going to the football game and she doesn’t really understand the concept of Saturday being 2 days away! GO COUGARS!

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the cuteness that is Parker

August 29, 2007 at 1:54 pm (Cute kids)

6 awesome months. That’s my boy. He’s filled with giggles and smiles and I don’t think a day goes by when I don’t just snuggle him and feel gratitude that he is ours! So, after his check up he is weighing in at 15 lbs. 14 oz. and 26 3/4 inches long and super easy going!


It is hard to believe that it has already been six months since Parker was born. In light of some things that have happened on both sides of our family in the last 6 months we feel extremely blessed to have such a sweet healthy boy.  It is funny how there is such a huge range of human emotions and there are some emotions that you don’t really understand unless you live through them. Sometimes it is hard to know how to comfort those going through things that you don’t really understand. We were unable to have children because of some medical complications that were finally resolved after a year of waiting. I can understand a little bit what it means to deal with that, but at the same time…I’m not still waiting. Sometimes in my life I’ve wondered why it seems like other people “have it easy”. Aaron and I have talked about it a few times and it seems like we keep coming back to the same conclusion – we all have our “things”.  I’m sort of rambling, but I guess I just wanted to say to all of the people that I love that even if I don’t really understand and even if I don’t know exactly what to say – my heart goes out to you in all that you may be going through.  We love you!

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blast from the past

August 27, 2007 at 3:38 pm (Ramblings)

On Saturday night we went to Aaron’s 10 year reunion. It was kinda fun to see all of Aaron’s old HS buddies. Some of his classmates looked like they did at his 5 year reunion, some looked a little heavier and some looked a little drunk (which was weird).  It got me thinking about my 10 year mark (which won’t be until ’09) and wondering what it will be like. It seems like we all do stupid things in high school and I’m wondering if we will have to pay for it at a 10 year reunion. Aaron kinda thinks his stupid HS thing was his girlfriend, but since she hasn’t shown up to any reunions it hasn’t been weird (although lots of her friends kept saying things like “all we’re missing is michelle….”).

   On our way up to SLC we (finally) stopped to check out the IKEA store.  We mostly browed the kiddie section and I can see why they are so popular. Cute stuff. Cheap prices. My kinda store! It was crowded and since we were pushin’ the double stroller it seemed a little cramped, but we managed to get out of there without spending any money and with some cute decorating ideas. I really liked this cute bedding with animals. It was kinda like our “family date night”. Very fun.

         So my bro-in-law is starting a little side business while he is in school. It is all about preserving mission memories. I think it is a fab idea and would make a very fun gift. Check out their website at www.rememberyourmission.com . Oh, and if you don’t know my sister, she’s the very cute missionary on their homepage! Good luck Kirsty & Steve!

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Yummy, yummy, mmm…mmm….

August 24, 2007 at 4:06 pm (Ramblings)

So I went to a fabulous enrichment activity last week. Which totally lifted my spirits and made me feel more like me instead of ‘mama me’.  We got to gab and giggle while enjoying lots of appetizers (we all brought samples and recipes to share).  I like Mexican food, especially if it is americanized. 🙂 I’ve tried to make homemade bean dip a few times and it has just never turned out. So when I tasted this delicious and mouthwatering recipe (listed below) I was sold after the first bite. Immediately I knew that Aaron would love this and that I had finally found the perfect football game dip! I’m not usually the kind to post recipes…’cause I’m usually looking for recipes, but this one ROCKS! Don’t expect it to be healthy, but do expect it to have a little zip and cheesy gooey goodness. So enjoy…seriously, you should make this!




1 PKG ENCHILADA SAUCE MIX (buy it in a package like you were going to make your own)





Oh, and for those of you who weighed in about my decorating issues – I’m forever thankful!

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Decisions, decisions and more decisions!

August 22, 2007 at 11:43 am (Ramblings)

As you may or may not know I’ve decided that I want to do a little decorating in Net and Parks room.  I am having some serious decision making issues. First, because I didn’t grow up in a really frilly home so the whole idea of “themes” is totally lost on me. Second, they are going to be sharing a room for awhile. So I can’t just go really girly or really boyish…I don’t really want Parker to have to live the first few years of his life in a  pink bedroom (actually I don’t want Nettie to live in a pink room either.) Third, I’m on a serious budget (like most of us), so I can’t just run to Target and buy all coordinating stuff. I’m sure there is a fourth and a fifth, but I don’t really want to dig that deep.  All I’m sayin’ is I need a little advice. I have nailed down a theme. I read an article that suggested using something your kid loves to be the main theme (duh). So I figure Net has to sleep with Zippy (the Zebra) and George (the Giraffe) every night…and zoo animals are boyish – so I like the animal theme.  I can’t paint the walls and I don’t want to go too crazy, but I’d like things to go together a little bit more.  Here is my inspiration – This accent rug is from Target and it is only $20. So I might splurge and buy it. So here is what I’m wondering:

1. What would you say are the most important parts to decorate? (pain the dresser, bedding, pictures, pillows, curtains???)

2. What colors would you put with this rug and how would you make it a little girly for Lanette?

3. What would you consider making vs. buying?(what would really be cheaper vs. what would be way too much of a pain)

4. What types of things are just not worth it or seem to make something appear too overdone?

Decorating is not one of my strengths. If you want me to read a book in a few days and give you the run down – I can do that. I’m calling out to all the decorating queens out there – Help me!!!

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August 20, 2007 at 8:06 pm (Ramblings)

One of Nettie’s new things (she has lots of new things..everyday…which is one of the reasons I’m SO glad to be a SAHM) is to run around saying Lanette Lambert. The other day I was telling her that her last name is Lambert and having her practice saying her name.  Then a few days later we were in the car and she started saying that she was Net Lambert. Then of course she started calling me “mama Lambert”. (Calling me Mama is also one of her new things.) So today I started teaching her how to spell her name and I think it will be easiest to break it up like this – La*ne*tte…what do you think? Poor girl. I should probably just teach her how to spell Net, since that is what she normally calls herself (7 letters is a really long name – especially for me – I only had to remember 4 letters).

  So the whole point of this “new” discussion is that she has moved into a new phase and it is requiring me to move into a new phase of parenting. I was wondering if you have any tips? She has moved into the VERY independent stage. She wants to do things by herself. Unless of course I am doing something (read anything) then she wants to help me do it. Before she was happy to just do her own thing. Now if I’m in the kitchen she wants to help in the kitchen, if I’m scrapbooking she wants to cut the paper. So what are some good tips to parent a shadow? I’ve been working on giving her little responsiblities which she loves (like setting the table) – it is a new phase. She seems happy…now I need to get myself into the new phase so I don’t get frustrated with her.

My sis-in-law Robin was asking me how potty training is going with Lanette. A few days ago I would have said superduper, but over the past few days she has reverted and started “going” all over the place. It is drivin’ me nuts! I know that she can get to the potty, but she doesn’t. Take Sunday morning for example. We were getting a dessert ready for a family party and she grabbed some bowls to play with. A few minutes later Aaron said: what’s going on with Lanette?  I looked over and saw Nettie standing in front of a bowl with her undies down and a suspiciously yellow liquid in the bowl. *shudder* So after we had a discreet laugh we took care of clean up. She knew she had to go, she just didn’t want to go in the potty apparently. 🙂 So I guess the new phase of being independent goes hand in hand with “going” where ever she wants to go…I mean doing whatever she wants to do. 


  Most people say that Lanette looks just like Aaron. (why wouldn’t they say that…she is pretty much his spittin’ image – we now know for sure that he would have made an adorable girl.) But the other day when Aaron straightened her hair we couldn’t help but think that she looks like her Walker cousin Lydia. (go ahead click on Lydia if you want to see how alike they really are!) I could just keep rambling on about Net, but I think I’ll put a stop to it now.

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Craft time Galore!

August 15, 2007 at 3:27 pm (Cute kids)

So I’ve been in an organizing mood. I’m not sure what prompts this type of a mood, but it sure makes me productive…and tired! I think it happens when Lanette’s toy bin starts getting really crowded. Once I go through that and de-junk I start thinking about other things that I could toss ’cause I never use them.  Before we moved from our old apartment I widdled down my craft/scrapbook stuff and put into into one big tupperware. Today I started digging through it with the hope that I could put some of it to good use. I find it funny and slightly irritating that I’ve got so much stuff and half of it I may never use, but since I have it I feel the need to keep it “just in case”.  My theory is that “just in case” is the pack rat’s motto.  (Or if you are thinking in nicer terms it could also be applied to those who grew up during and closely after the depression era.)  I’m not really a pack rat as much as I am a dreamer…”wouldn’t it be cute to paint all of these and then display them throughout the year?” or “I’m sure I’ll end up using at least a 1,000 stickers in my scrapbooks.”  So Lanette was the happy gal on whom I bestowed my many, many excess stickers and who got to actually paint all those cute crafty thingys (do they really have names??)  She was in craft time HEAVEN!!


Pardon her nakedness, but this paint doesn’t really come off of clothes. Oh and btw, she managed to paint all of the circles before she moved on to just gettin’ it all over the place!

Parker is starting to get very vocal. He cracks us up ’cause he just has this adorable grin and he is willing to break it out whenever you look at him.  We were all taking a little nap today and I looked over and this is how he was sleeping, funny huh?


If you are in an organizing mood one of these days…look at the organizing junkie’s website. Just click on the link on the right side of my blog in the “fun links” section.  She has some great tips.


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All of the sudden

August 14, 2007 at 7:49 pm (Cute kids)

It is funny, but all of the sudden Parker seems really OLD. I mean seriously an almost 6 month old baby can do a million new things! It is pretty amazing how quickly they grow and become independent (Lanette is clearly entering the “I can do it myself” stage and now always insists on putting her own undies on).  During the last month I’ve occasionally dscn1236.jpggiven Park rice cereal to see if he has gained the ability to swallow instead of spit out things that are put into his mouth most of the time he looks like this…


and then there are the second bites

that look a little more like this…

Just a few days ago he finally go the hang of it and he was even opening up his mouth and leaning into the bite.  Now he looks like this…dscn1238.jpgNow if that picture doesn’t make you smile like crazy you need some serious help! Oh and he also started sitting up a little. VERY adorable.

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In less than a year

August 10, 2007 at 1:46 pm (Church Stuff, Ramblings)

In less than a year (june of 08) Aaron will be heading back into the (intellectual) trenches. Graduate school at Utah State is almost here and though we have been in school for 5 of our almost 6 years of marriage I’m still excited.  Even though it is still pretty far away I feel motivated to start planning and preparing. I guess you could consider this time of our lives the feast before the famine. Although, some of you may not consider our current income “feast”…it is to us and we’re happy about it.  I’ve come to enjoy the schedule of our lives.  Especially since Aaron can come home for lunch and we feel like we have lots of family time.   Back to the planning.  If Aaron works, the amount he will be able to work is going to bring in a very small amount of income. 

 So, we aren’t going to be rolling in it.  Tuition, though considerably less than a LOT of graduate schools will still consume most of what we would get for a studen loan.  Here is my question and I’d love any advice – how would you prepare…what would you start saving (and I’m thinking not just money) to get you through at least a year of “famine”?  Any suggestions about how to go about a loss of income like this? I’m trying to figure out a good menu so that we won’t spend too much on food…and some other stuff like that, but if you have any menu tips or food storage tips -please…leave a comment! I guess I’ve realized I’m sort of a planner – and soon I’ll be tied up planning Aaron’s b-day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines day, Park’s b-day, Net’s b-day…and a few baby showers thrown in there and by then it will be March (can you see my motivation to plan ahead or is it just a little OCD coming out in me???)

   BTW, I was able to get my hands on a copy of ECLIPSE which I liked. Stephenie Meyer is just a fun writer. Her books are easy to read and entertaining.  Also, I was sad to hear that Pres. Faust passed away. I guess I sort of figured it was coming.  I like what this blog had to say about it. Also, there is a cool video that shows some clips of Pres. Faust on the LDS.Org website…you can watch it here.  Oh, and our computer is on the fritz BIG TIME so I’m limited on pics of my kiddies right now. I’m sure I’ll figure something out soon and you can have your fill of Parker and Lanette’s adorable pictures!

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over the weekend

August 7, 2007 at 9:47 am (Ramblings)

 Tell ya what I’m grateful for…getting the 2008 IKEA catalog with the Sunday paper! I’ve been dying to see what all the hype is about for myself, but Draper still seems far away and I’m afraid I would be tempted to break the rules of our strict new budget (the one that will hopefully help us get ready for graduate school) which is NO UNNECESSARY SPENDING!!

One of the things that I liked when I was flippin’ through the pages was this storage system in the kiddie section. Of course it was all colorful and that made it even more awesome.  I’ve found that I have become obessessed with cool organizing things. That must be part of living in a small apartment and wanting to still have stuff (even if there really isn’t room for it!)

 I was also loving all their couches. (I’m not really sure if I could ever pull off a red sofa, but it sure looks cool.)  If you’ve ever seen my current couch you might understand why I’m coveting some new seating arrangements for my posterier.  When our last couch broke Aaron found us a new one at Savers for $17. I can’t complain it was pretty comfy too.  The only problem is that it had been recovered about a million times and thanks to Lanette the cover started to rip….and the under area wasn’t that flattering (not to mention that it didn’t match!)  So I found a sofa “throw” that is a better color, but doesn’t keep it covered very well.  (It was only $20 at Wal-mart and I can’t really complain ’cause I didn’t want to fork out the $90-100 that it usually costs for a decent slip cover.)  However, it is definitely a serious eyesore in our living room.  I have to say that one of the coolest thing about this couch and most of IKEA’s couches is that they are all slip covers and apparently it is only about $50 to get a new one if you get sick of your current look.  Cool huh? 

I’m always wishing I was better at decorating.  I don’t really want to  spend an arm and a leg to have a nice home.  How do you do it? Do you have any tips for cheap home decorating? (I thought about saving up to do one room at a time…does that work?)

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