What day is it today?

April 28, 2008 at 1:35 pm (Ramblings)


Lanette in all her glorious 3 year old-ness asks me this everyday. I don’t really mind because I think it is so cute. This is how our typical morning conversation goes:

Lanette: What day is it today?

Me: today is Monday.

Lanette: Where are we going on Monday?

Me: Monday is family night.

Lanette: Is Monday family night?

  So every morning we have a little discussion about what day it is and what we do on each day. She usually remembers that Tuesday is Libarary day (and asks if we are going to eat at Barry’s) and she remembers that Thrusday is Daddy date night. She usually talks about what our plans are for the rest of the day and I can use it as a little bit of leverage to get her to be extra obedient.  Having a few things that we do together on the same day each week has been a lot of fun. It keeps us consistent in carving out time when we are having fun as a family and you know what? Instead of it being a chore it is a lot of fun – for all of us!

  Do you have any weekly family traditions?

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A few great things about being married to a BYU football fanatic!

April 14, 2008 at 3:48 pm (Ramblings)

Saturday was the annual Blue and White game. If you have no idea what that is – you aren’t married to a fanatic. Basically it is a scrimmage between the defense and the offense. It was at Lavell Edwards Stadium and there were quite a few other crazy fans there. Some great things about being one of “those” die hard fans.

1. we didn’t have to arrive 2 hours early to get a great (free) parking spot.

2. no fans from the opposing team – plus we knew that everyone else there is just as crazy about BYU football as we are!

3. No event staff at the gates making us dump all our cheap food from home and forcing us to buy high priced concessions.

4. Sitting on the 20 yard line – in seats with backs. If you’ve ever been to LES you know that getting a seat with a back is like winning the lottery!

5. Being in the stadium, hearing the crunch of pads, enjoying a sunny spring day, checking out the future of BYU football and doing it all as a family on a Saturday afternoon. It doesn’t get much better than that folks!

6. The best, best part – seeing the people I love most decked out in their best BYU duds.





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My cute sister!

April 13, 2008 at 9:57 pm (Ramblings)


This is my adorable little sister. She’s having her first babe in May and graduating from BYU in April. Isn’t she the cutest thing? My sis-in-law Kim who lives far, far away has been itching to see a picture of her prego and I had to use lots of loving persuasion (read: threatening) to get her to send me these pictures (in her defense she is pretty busy right now).  So Kim – here she is in all her pregnant glory! (I had to add both pictures…so you’d, um, get the picture!)


Kirsten & hubby were here a few days ago to eat, chit chat, and whip us handily in the “train game”. Oh, and they took the time to read two whole stories to Lanette who was insiting that Aunt “Kerrsty” (yea, she’s got a great 3 year old accent!) read the stories not mommy.  The sweetest thing? The next morning Lanette was asking if they were back at their house and talking about how nice it was that “Uncle Steve read the pirate book and Aunt Kirsty read the bear book”.  When we told her they were coming she kept asking ALL day if they were driving to our house yet.  Kirsten and Steve – thanks for being so sweet to Lanette. She gives out free cheesy, silly smiles like this when she sees you guys/talks about you guys.


**She just finished eating a chocolate covered cinnamon bear. mmm.**

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Playing games

April 11, 2008 at 2:21 pm (Cute kids)

Lanette got Hi Ho the Cherry-o for christmas and it has been one of her favorite games. Today when I pulled it out I decided to whip out the dice too. She was pretty excited to try out the dice – she kept trying to end our cherry game early! Have you ever taught a 3 year old how to roll a die? She would just hold it tightly in both hands and then set it on the table…she kept getting the same number every time.  Finally she figured out that if she dropped it up higher it would bounce and she would get new numbers. I was amazed at how quickly she picked up on counting the small number of dots (like 2 or 3). Now if I could just get her to understand Yahtzee! 🙂

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Jammin’ at home!

April 10, 2008 at 1:42 pm (Ramblings)

  One of the things we love to do most in our family is crank up the tunes. We are pretty eclectic. One day we might be dancing around to the Little Einstein’s theme song and the next day it might be Coldplay or Jack Johnson. I’ve found that nothing helps me want to do the dishes like some upbeat melody. We sing a lot at home too. Not stuff you’d ever want to hear on the radio, but we change the words of songs to have Lanette’s name in it…and she loves it!

  So when Aaron called me this morning from work to tell me about this radio website Pandora‘s I was pretty excited. All you do is type in a favorite song or artist and it automatically generates a playlist of other songs/artist like the one you listed.  Talk about awesome. Oh, and it is called the music genome project. If that isn’t funny, I don’t know what is!  Check it out.



  Parker started saying “mama” and “dada” yesterday. He’s just repeating what we say, but it is still fun to hear him trying out new words. Prior to yesterday all he could say was “dat”. He would use that especially when Lanette had a treat – then he would point and say “dat” “dat”. So adorable!

   Today Lanette and I were making muffins and she said “mommy, are you the home maker? and I’m the eater?” Then she actually fell asleep on my lap during lunch time. I don’t remember the last time that happened.  Funny thing – when I had to put her down to get Parker out of bed I asked her if she wanted to lay down in her bed.  Her response was so classic “half-asleep” talk. She said, “mommy, what are you talkin’ about?” Then she rolled over and fell back to sleep. Ha!

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The adventures of daily life!

April 3, 2008 at 2:27 pm (Cute kids)


Easter with the Lambert’s. Would you say Lanette looks a little like her Aunt Holly and her cousin Mary (in the pink)? They definitely have that adorable Lambert look. (Lily looks cute too!)


A few months ago – out of the blue Lanette asked me to paint her fingernails. If you know me – you know that I rarely paint my fingernails and I only paint my toenails once the previous painint has worn completely off. So I was surprised at this request. Now every once in a while she will randomly ask to paint her fingers and toes. What can I say -she is a true girl!


Our newest library find! The good ol’ Spanish Fork library has little books that come with CD’s and turn the page prompts. She listens intently for the “ding” and then as she turning the page says “did you hear the ding, mommy?” She spent at least 30 minutes yesterday happily listening and turning pages. Why, oh why didn’t I see these babies sooner?!!


Parker (whose outfit was inspired by some buff army guy) started to walk on March 28th (one day past his 13 month mark)! He still prefers crawling, but every once in a while he will randomly whip out 10 steps. He climbs onto everything and he still likes to snuggle…could I ask for more?


I’ve been reading stuff like this (goose girl -shannon hale) and this (chocolate chip cookie murder – joanne fluke).  Both recommended at Deliciously Clean Reads. I LOVE finding new awesome authors and I really enjoyed both of these books. Beware – the main girl in Joanne Fluke’s novel is a Baker – she’s always makin’ good things and they always make me hungry!

  Aaron also registered for his summer classes and that has brought on a whole new way of thinking – it really is coming. We really are moving and he REALLY is going back to school (registration, loans, books, moving and all!) Yikes and whoo hoo at the same time!

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