Random Thoughts

November 19, 2008 at 2:22 pm (Ramblings)

Is anyone else dying for a break from regular life? I’ll have to admit with all that has been going on with Aaron’s school, my church calling and the kids I’m REALLY excited to have a few days off. THANK YOU PILGRAMS! (BTW, has anyone else found that it is pretty hard to explain the idea of pilgrams and indians to a 3 1/2 year old?)

On Sunday night the kids and I decided to make cookies and it was fun! It made me think about all the times I got to help make cookies with my mom. I think of my growing up experiences I probably have the most that involve making some sort of dessert. It was great because even Parker was getting into the action. Lanette could actually roll the cookie dough into balls and I would hand a ball to Parker and he would set it on the pan. It also made me realize that cooking with kids is an art and it takes practice, but boy do they have a blast! Especially when it comes to the eating part. Although Parker refused the actual cookie dough and picked out the mint chocolate chips instead.

 After about a week of rain and no sun we are experiencing beautiful weather! I tell ya it has done wonders for my soul. The dreary-ness was closing in on me…or was it laziness? It sure seems like a lot more work to get out when the sun isn’t out!

People keep saying my stomach looks so small for how close I am to delivering.  I’m wondering if they can explain the new stretch marks I have that keep insisting that my tummy is far from small! 🙂

I’m a little nervous about caring for number 3 (not nervous about having another baby…just all the work that will go into having 3).  Where do you put 3 kids in a van when all of them need assistance getting properly buckled? Lanette can do it by herself, but it usually takes her a while (not the actual buckle part, just the part where she voluntarily decides to be in a position that she can’t get out of…) and I’m not sure it is worth waiting. So…what do you think?

Aaron and I just had our anniversary. 7 years. They have been awesome. Although being this prego for an anniversary isn’t that much fun. Good thing we celebrated in April (anniversary inn and all that jazz…we knew we’d be broke and I’d be feelin’ huge at this point!).  I’ll spare you gushing about my adorable hubby, but I will say – I’m grateful I married him!

 Parker is super good at giving kisses. Just look –

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35 weeks and counting…

November 12, 2008 at 4:06 pm (Ramblings)

On the 3rd time around I’ve found that there isn’t very much novelty in this pregnancy. I go to my OB appointments and they congratulate me on my excellent blood pressure (to which I give full credit to my Dad) and say that my weight looks great (although it seems wrong to say it “LOOKS” great…) I go in and they measure and listen to the baby’s heart and ask me if I have any questions to which I usually reply no. They say okay and tell me when I need to come back. Although at 35 weeks things will start to get interesting soon…usually in uncomfortable ways. Gone are the days of staying fully clothed at my appointments and soon there will be all sorts of questions about dialation and stuff (although in my case dialtion means nothing…).

Seems like I’m complaining huh? Actually I’m kinda grateful for a pregnancy that hasn’t been stressful. There has been plenty of stress in my life. I had the chance to teach the young women a few weeks ago and call it hormones if you want but I got a little choked up when I was expressing how important the sanctity of life is. When life is crazy it really feels good to know that I love the chance I have to bring another life to the earth.  Then I was reading about my friend’s baby who was born at about 28 weeks and is doing amazingly well. It is hard to believe she is so tiny. I guess seeing how small she was made me realize what a blessing it is that Gracie is still doing well and staying put…I think I can last until 40 weeks!

So – I’m doing pretty well, but does anyone have any good responses for when people ask how you are feeling? Seriously…I don’t want to complain, but find myself biting back comments about how tired, sore, & unmotivated I am. But saying I’m fine seems lame.  Maybe I could start commenting about how mentally I’m doing great! 🙂

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November 4, 2008 at 4:55 pm (Ramblings)

This is what it looks like outside today…one more reason I’m glad I voted early.


On Sunday it looked like this…

    Also on Sunday Lanette freaked out right before the sacrament and so Aaron had to take her out (and then she really freaked). When she calmed down enough to come back in she couldn’t stop talking about how sad she was that she had missed taking the bread and water. Apparently she was worried about it the whole time she was in time out. She also wacked the door and Aaron told her to be soft because the church is Heavenly Father’s house to which she replied “no, it’s not – Heavenly Father lives in Heaven!”  She’s started to ask lots of why questions like when we read stories she wants to know exactly why each character is doing what they are doing. I’ve resorted to saying “well, why do you think Lanette?” and lil’ smartie that she is she has started responding with “I don’t know – why do you think they are doing that mommy?” She’s keeping me on my toes. Oh, and the other day I told her to hold her horses to which she (of course) replied “I’m NOT a horse!!”

   Parker continues to crack me up. His personality keeps showing itself in funny ways. Like how devoted he is to Lanette. If he goes to get a drink from the fridge – he always comes back carrying his sippy cup in one arm and Lanette’s in the other. He’s a tender little guy and he sure has a special place in my heart.

  I thought I’d post a few more fall pictures plus some actual trick or treating photos. The kids had a blast trick or treating.  They lasted longer than I thought they would. I’d tell Lanette to say trick or treat and she’d say “trick or treatING” and she kept commenting about how we were going to Halloween. Funny stuff I tell ya.

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