Gracie’s Eyes

January 31, 2009 at 6:48 pm (Ramblings)

Grace is starting to get a little smiley and she starting to be awake and alert a lot more. I love seeing babies looking around. You know they are seeing something new and interesting all the time.  It is fun to see her big, beautiful eyes exploring her world.


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January 30, 2009 at 5:35 pm (Ramblings)

The little guy has been growing up a lot lately. The other day when I tried to give him some milk he pointed to his pediasure and said “I want this kind, mommy”.  It was about the cutest thing ever! His new naptime routine includes saying “bye, bye” when I leave the room.  He cracks us up all the time. I feel a little bad that he has to be stuck between two girls…maybe Grace will be a tomboy? Not likely? Well, what can ya do. Unfortunately, he is the middle child until we have another one.  Does anyone have any good ideas about how to make sure he doesn’t feel like a “middle child”?  He likes to roar at us so that we squeal “ahh” and whenever we talk on the phone he likes to find a phone and strike up a conversation.  Oh, and he makes the best cat sound…and his tiger is now named cat. Seriously – he’s such a cutie!


Plus, I survived my 6 week appointment. Man, I could go a long time without having to go to another doctor’s appointment.

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She’s a big girl now!

January 26, 2009 at 8:58 pm (Ramblings)

In our efforts to prep Lanette for primary we talked about how she was a big girl and so she wouldn’t be going to nursery anymore.  She was so excited she went right in and found her seat and apparently she was answering all the questions (she didn’t realize the teacher was talking to everyone…not just her) and she wasn’t scared at all. Now she helps take Parker to nursery and she helps another little girl in her sunbeam class (who is a little scared) go into primary.  Talk about being a big girl!


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Don’t do it…

January 19, 2009 at 11:54 pm (Ramblings)

With all the buzz around the University of Utah’s big win in the bowl game you might be thinking of becoming a Ute fan.  Don’t do it. You might develop some “interesting” qualities.  Take a look…

Aaron bet that BYU would beat Utah and we all know how that turned out.  So Aaron had to wear a Utah shirt to class…it was pretty rough on him. At least Utah turned out to be a pretty good team. Darn it!

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Some things I love about my baby

January 18, 2009 at 9:06 pm (Ramblings)

Our littlest gal is a month old! She’s such a cutie.  During the last month of crying (not from me surprisingly…), sleepless nights and being uncomfortable I’ve rediscovered why it is so great to have a baby in the house.

*They really do sleep alot. Even if it is not during the middle of the night like I wish it were it has been helpful when it comes to caring for the other kiddies running around here.

*They have the most adorable (and tiny) feet and hands…and everything else! I should start counting how many times people exclaim “Oh, she’s so small!”  Which is great ’cause usually saying something is small is the same as saying it is cute.
*She loves a nice warm bath and the first sponge bath is my VERY favorite photo – op. Especially because it gets me out of doing the actual job and I get to see how cute my hubby looks cleaning our babe.

*We had the best reason to just be together as a family. When Aaron went back to school it was quite a shocker. Our Christmas break was heavenly. Lots of sitting around snuggling a baby.
*Parker and Lanette are in LOVE. They can’t get enough of her. Whenever Lanette wants to hold Grace a few seconds later Parker starts asking in his almost 2 year old voice “hold Gace” (he’s still working on the R sound).  As much as they may act out so far none of it is aimed at Grace. Usually seeing her is accompanied by squeals of excitement.


*A surprising show of sweetness from people who haven’t really known us that long and from people who have known us a while.  Life has been so crazy that I’ve really appreciated more than ever all the things that people have done to help out.

*There are a ton of other things, but among the best of them is moving on from pregnancy. WOW. The 9 “bitter” months it takes to get a baby here only make having Gracie here with us all the sweeter!

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