thoughts on being a SAHM

July 11, 2007 at 10:35 pm (Ramblings)

It is funny, but it took me a while to figure out what heck SAHM meant.  I kept seeing it on different blogs and finally I caught the drift…Stay At Home Mom.  That’s what I am and boy do I dig it! I feel pretty lucky that I have a hubby who supports my desire to stay at home, but ya know…we all have our days.  Just the other day when Aaron got home from pulling a 10 hour day so that we can take some vacation this weekend we engaged in some playful bantering about who had a more stressful day.  It kinda went something like this:

Me- whew. what a long day

Aaron- no kidding. the computer didn’t even know how to deal with 2 immigrants where both the mother and the 14 year old daughter are both pregnant….etc. (his job has some pretty stressful stuff attached to it)

Me- that stinks…at least you got to work in a cool place today it was like 90 degrees inside here all day. (Swamp cooler is NOW working)

Aaron- But you get to read…and you actually love the people you are working for all day.

Me- I guess there are perks to both our jobs.

Seriously, he has a point.  Yep, sometimes I’m feel like Lanette’s slave.  Yep, there was no escaping the 4 days without AC when it was a billion degrees outside.  Yep, I deal with lots of bodily fluids, dirty house things, and such.  BUT, and this is a big one…I get to spend my days doing things for and with my kids and my hubby.  Who could ask for a better “job”.  It is funny how sometimes little conversations can get you thinking and it was like a little confirmation that what I’m doing day in and day out is really, REALLy what I want to be doing.  I’ve done other things and let me just say it again…I’m a SAHM and I’m proud of it!  Hope all ya’ll out there are happy with what you are doing too (whatever it may be) ’cause isn’t that what it really comes down to…being happy with the life you are living!  So to quote someone “bloom where you are planted”!


  1. Andrew said,

    I sometimes envy Robin for being able to stay at home with our children, and not have to worry about office politics, project deadlines, etc.

    Of course, last fall I had the chance to take care of our three kids by myself for five days while Robin went to visit her sister in Georgia. It was a very eye-opening experience for me. The kids have to eat three meals a day (actually, it’s more like six, but whose counting) and they have to have constant attention and supervision. I came away from the experience with a whole new respect for what she does and a great desire to go back to my desk job!!!

  2. robinbl said,

    I think Stay-At-Home-Motherhood is like a rollercoaster. There are some days where you are so glad you can set your own schedule, or just sit down and read all day if you want to, but in the end, it really is a job like any other other–you’re doing the same thing, day in and day out, from cooking and cleaning and dropping off and picking up to refereeing arguments and entertaining bored children. To me, the hardest part is that if I need to get anything done, especially when I have to run errands that would normally take just a few minutes, I have to load three protesting bodies into the car, drag them into the store with me, keep them from running around the whole building or pulling the entire shelf down, refuse to buy candy while waiting at the checkout line, and keep them from getting run over as we make our way back out to the car.
    But in the end, I would never choose to let someone else raise my kids. I’m glad that we have that opportunity, even though there are many sacrifices that we make in order to do so.

  3. Kim said,

    Heck yeah!

  4. Emily said,

    we’ve played the “Who Has a Harder Job” game, too! It never really leads to any place good, though. Good thoughts, Kira. Good thoughts 🙂

  5. liz said,

    I love being able to do what I want to do all day, and sometimes feel very spoiled. But the endlessness of it is definitely hard sometimes. There is no vacation.

    I was thinking about how you said the other day that you wished you had just $20 you could do whatever you wanted with (or was it $40?) and realized that most people in that situation — especially since you guys are trying to save for more education — would think they “had” to work. You are such a great example of choosing to be home for your kids, even when it isn’t easy financially. You should really be commended for that 🙂 And for lots of other good mom stuff.

  6. Vicki said,

    I’m so glad you can be a SAHM–you’re a great one!

  7. Kirsten said,

    Yeah Kira!!! I am so excited to join the ranks of a SAHM as soon as I get some little tikes to take care of!!! I love ya.

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