Have you thought about it?

October 4, 2007 at 3:13 pm (Cute kids, Ramblings)

When Parker was  a few months old we went and got some pictures of him and one of our family. Because he was so little I didn’t want to do a big family picture just and 8×10. BUT, ever since then I’ve been thinking about / planning our next big (11×14) family picture. I like the idea of getting a new 8×10 every christmas unless you have a new kid and then you get an 11×14. Is this confusing anyone or is it just me? You’ve all heard this a lot, but I used to work and kiddie kandids and as hard as I tried I could resist buying into the idea that pictures make the best gifts – at least for grandparents. I mean really – what do you get your parents for christmas that they don’t already have / or they don’t really need. However, no grandparent can resist cute pictures of their kids/grandkids. So this is the time of year to start thinking about those gifts. Especially since sometimes it takes a while for pictures to come back from the studio. I know it isn’t christmas yet, but have you started thinking about it?

  I’ll admit that I have. I’m sort of a holiday junkie. I’m not really thinking about Halloween ’cause I planned out their costumes a month ago! 🙂 Aaron makes me swear not to talk to him about holidays until we are in the month of the holiday. I think it is because the little kid in him doesn’t want to get too excited.

 Back to the picture idea. The biggest pain about getting pictures taken is picking out what the family is going to wear. (I’m sure half of you just shuddered ’cause this is probably the reason that you don’t have a recent family photo!) I like to try and pick a theme. One year we did black on us and leopard on Lanette. Once we did spring colors – pink, purple and green. Once we did cream, blue, tan and pink.  Of course, if you decide to go with a black and white or Sepia then you don’t really have to worry about colors just whether you are doing patterns or solids. I am a big fan of color family portraits – why? Because kids are so cute. When Aaron and I got a picture of just us (in the pre-kid era) we did it in Sepia and whoo wee did Aaron look hot. Still, I like color. So I’m going with various browns and textures for this years look. Cross your fingers that it turns out okay.

  BTW, do you know how hard it is to find something brown for a little boy? I looked at Target (only a hoodie and we are doing a little dressier pic), Old Navy, and TJ Maxx (I found a onsie in 12M…it may have to work, but I’m still searching!)

  I know getting family pictures is a big headache, but I’m tellin’ ya it is worth it! Be honest – how many of you have a kid who hasn’t been included in a family picture?? So, when you start thinking about Christmas (ahem) maybe a family picture isn’t such a bad idea. It takes all the guesswork out of what to get the grandparents.


Did you know?

Parker is 7 months old!!


  1. robinbl said,

    I’ve been looking for a blessing outfit for out boy that’s not the traditional all-white satin suit (too 80s prom looking) for some time now, and I think that it’s really hard to find any sort of dress clothes for boys under 1 year. However, I just saw some cute stuff on sale at Walmart.com–I don’t know if they have it in store, but online they had a button-up oxford shirt onesie for $5 that was adorable! I don’t know if you can find something brown, but they had several other dressier shirts on sale that you might want to check out.

  2. Vicki said,

    You have such awesome photos of your darling kids and family. I’m a big believer in family photos too. Maybe we should do a family photo of all of us when Nate and Olya are here for Christmas.

  3. Chelsea Knudson said,

    I was just going through all of this….outfits, whether or not to go to a studio or have a friend take it…and I haven’t decided a thing!

  4. Andrew said,

    I’m always a little jealous of the photos you guys have compared to our photos. Either your family is just better looking or you just have better photographers.

  5. kira said,

    if you ever come back to read comments I just want to add that close ups are my favorite!

  6. liz said,

    A good photographer is the key, we learned this summer! Of course, Kira, you’re a great photographer and I bet you wish you could take your own family pictures. It’s frustrating when you pay and then aren’t that happy with the results.

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